Regular events
Regular events
The MHPRA usually holds a range of events in the course of a year from more formal affairs to regular drinks parties hosted by individual members. The onset of the pandemic in early 2020 disrupted most of our regular activities and gatherings apart from our weekly litter picking sessions (see below for the details). In August 2021 we resumed holding social events.
Litter picking sessions

If you would like to improve our environment, join us for an hour every Saturday morning to help clean Mill Hill Park and neighbouring streets. Litter picks, gloves and rubbish bags are provided. We work singly or in pairs, observing social distancing guidelines. We usually meet at the corner of Avenue Road and Langley Drive, near the Mill Hill Surgery, W3. Please email: or call 07762 268494 for more information.

Volunteers from the Litter Action Group Ealing Residents (Lager Can) have joined us a number of times to help collect litter.