John Passmore Edwards Bicentenary Celebrated
On 22 June 2023, a tea party was held at Acton Care Home on Gunnersbury Lane to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of philanthropist John Passmore Edwards who, in the late 19th century, paid for the construction of a cottage hospital on Gunnersbury Lane, where the care home is now situated. MHPRA member, Ray Batchelor, was invited by the Acton History Group to give a talk about the early days of the cottage hospital and Passmore Edwards’ part in it.

Councillor Hitesh Tailor, the Mayor of Ealing, Jasmine Purwaha, Chief of Operations, Gold Care Hoimes (owner of Acton Care Centre) and Ray Batchelor.
Benches installed on Crown Street

At the request of several of our less able members, the MHPRA asked whether a bench could be installed on Crown Street, which would enable them to rest on their way back from shopping in Acton High Street. We made enquiries over several years without success. But thanks to the efforts of former MHPRA committee member, Elisabeth Curlet, who then took on the task of pursuing the matter, and the help offered by Councillor Callum Anderson, two benches were installed by Ealing Council in October 2022. The benches face the Crown Street Pocket Garden on the opposite side of the road.
New ornamental arch for Mill Hill Gardens installed

The MHPRA lobbied for improvements to be made to the entrance of Mill Hill Gardens, which Ealing Council agreed to. We were consulted about the redesign, which includes some new beds, replanting and an ornamental entrance arch. The new arch was installed in September 2020. MHPRA volunteers have agreed to maintain the beds by the arch.
YouTube video explores history of Mill Hill Park
On 14 August 2020, Tristan White and Sharon Crawford posted a video on YouTube, exploring the history of Mill Hill Park. It forms part of their ‘Love Your London’ series. They used the History of Mill Hill Park, published on this website, to guide them.
Plaque to artist Margaret Dovaston ‘unveiled’
The MHPRA was due to celebrate the unveiling of a plaque to the distinguished war artist and genre painter, Margaret Dovaston, on 23 May 2020. Dovaston lived and worked at 51 Avenue Gardens in Mill Hill Park from 1925 until her death in 1954. The physical event has had to be postponed as a result of the coronavirus outbreak but we have proceeded with a virtual unveiling, in the form of materials added to this website.
Coronavirus: MHPRA support group established
The MHPRA set up a support group in March 2020 to offer help to vulnerable and isolated residents in Mill Hill Park and distributed a leaflet throughout the area.
Fortnightly litter picking initiative launched
In September 2019, the MHPRA launched a fortnightly litter picking initiative. Volunteers meet for one hour on Saturday mornings to clean Mill Hill Park and neighbouring streets and green spaces. Litter picks, gloves and rubbish bags are provided. The initiative is supported by the Council who provide the bags and arrange their collection at a specific location after the litter-picking session. We encourage volunteers to use the Love Clean Streets app to report large fly-tipped items or to inform us so that we can report them. While our main aim is to improve our environment, this initiative also helps build a sense of community. Our volunteers include children.
Publication on house names in Mill Hill Park issued
Compiled by MHPRA members, Jerome Farrell and Ray Batchelor, this publication, issued in March 2019, provides background on the use of house names. Each house in the Mill Hill Park area in Acton is listed – with photos and its original name, where known, plus an account of the name’s derivation.
MHPRA Newsletters
Select Committee submission
On 2 September 2016, the MHPRA made a submission in response to the House of Lords Select Committee call for evidence on the effectiveness of the Licensing Acton 2003.
News release
24 July 2016: First Green Flag Award in South Acton Ward